Bridget Jennison and Dr. Rebecca Sutter administer COVID-19 tests outside the Manassas Park MAP Clinic.
Photo Credit: Delia Engstrom, Prince William Times
Mason and Partner Clinics recently received much needed supplies from the Virginia Department of Health to provide free COVID-19 testing.
The MAP Clinics in Manassas Park sees patients two days a week for COVID-19 screening, diagnostic testing and education. These tests can now be delivered for free based on support from the Virginia Department of Health to provide testing for our communities.
The MAP Clinics previously had limited access to personal protective equipment (PPE) and sampling/testing kits and have been able to significantly expand the number of tests administered thanks to the additional supplies and testing kits provided by the Commonwealth. On a typical day, the MAP Clinic can now test nearly 40 patients in a 2.5-hour time frame. “With our increased capacity for testing, we can now reach the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in our region with testing for COVID-19,” says Dr. Rebecca Sutter, co-director of the MAP Clinics and faculty at George Mason University.

The MAP Clinics were cited as a positive example of how free clinics are helping fight COVID-19 in the Governor’s May 15 Press Conference.
In his recent press conference, Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, cited the work of the Mason and Partner Clinics and other free clinics in the state for their response to fighting COVID-19 among uninsured and low-income residents of the Commonwealth.
The MAP Clinics have expanded services for vulnerable populations through an extensive telehealth initiative that reaches homeless populations, rural residents of the state, others who may otherwise not receive access to care.
The MAP Clinics were also recently featured in the Prince William Times for their work with vulnerable populations in that county.