Accelerated Second Degree BSN Program

Online Q&A Hours

Online Q&A hours for prospective students are offered every Wednesday via Zoom between 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EST. Email for login information. 

Mason’s Accelerated Second Degree BSN pathway is a 12-month, full-time, pre-licensure program for applicants who will have earned a bachelor’s degree prior to the start of the program. The program provides successful applicants an opportunity to experience nursing in a variety of clinical settings throughout the National Capitol area.  

Clinical courses extend across all semesters of the Accelerated BSN program. The ABSN Clinical Hours per Course details how each course is planned with lecture hours, skill lab hours, simulation hours, and direct patient care hours.

The program admits once a year in Fall and spaces are limited. We recommend that all applicants attend an Information Session to learn more about important application guidelines and requirements. 

Additional information about Traditional BSN can also be found on the university catalog.

Plan of Study

Tuition and Fees

For information regarding tuition and fees, please visit the Student Accounts, Tuition and Fees website

It is important to note that Nursing programs require additional fees.

Scholarships and Financial Aids

The College of Public Health and School of Nursing provide a number of scholarships to students of all levels. Explore scholarship opportunities and application deadlines from the College of Public Health's Scholarship page

For other scholarships and aids available in the university, please visit the university's page.

Admission requirements and deadlines

More details about BSN application requirements and deadlines can be found here.